Week 1 of 100 days of UX

UX designers are the bridge to the future. The future of UX may include augmented reality, artificial intelligence, and long-term world-building projects. Analyzing the pain points for users and implementing solutions to the problems results in user retention and business expansion. It’s been a week since I started learning UX and would like to encapsulate my learnings past week in this post.

Day 01

On day 1, I learned a lot of basic concepts of User experience designing. Let’s have a look at some of them :

  1. Defination of UX – User Experience designing is understanding the problems that a user faces, optimizing the usefulness and desirability of a product by improving the user experience and creating the balance between users’ needs and your brand’s objectives.
  2. Motivation to learn UX.
  3. Steps to become a UX designer.
  4. Tools to be learned.

You can read the entire post in this thread on Twitter – Link

Day 02

For Day 2, I analyzed an amazing case study on how Duolingo retains its users. Here are few of the points that were explained :

  1. Lifecycle email – Friendly emails when user is inacitve.
  2. Reduce friction – Easier to make decisions.
  3. Lower difficulty – Boosting users confidence.
  4. Welcome back rewards.
  5. Streaks – Based on daily goals.
  6. Sunk cost effect.
  7. Notifications auto filtering – To aviod annoying the user.

You can read the entire post in this thread on Twitter – Link

Day 03

For day 3, I wrote a blog on how Shazam developed its User experience to become one of the best music apps.
Link to the blog – https://harsh100daysofux.wordpress.com/2021/12/28/shazam-and-its-ux-journey/

Day 04

So for day 4, I created a blog on a few Laws of UX.
Link to the blog – https://harsh100daysofux.wordpress.com/2021/12/28/laws-of-ux/

Day 05

For day 5 of 100 days of UX, I created a user journey map for a user named Aman who wanted to learn about C++ language through a tutorial. It is a user journey for the website Geeks For Geeks.


Day 06

For day 6 of 100 days of UX, I created a user persona for an online social reading platform Wattpad. I created the user persona from scratch without the use of any templates.


That’s it for now, hope to learn more amazing things in 100 days of UX.
Thank you!

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